Ukraine07 - 09.09

The Culture Congress in Lviv was conceived as a sustainable platform for analyzing and discussing actual issues of the sphere. It is a discussion platform for professional critical review of cultural process in Ukraine.

The event is aimed at supporting, developing and networking of cultural environments through the outreach to different regions, cities and towns of Ukraine. Other countries’ experience is no less important. The Congress program is based on interdisciplinary and intersectional approach: it provides for involving representatives of different professional fields (culturologists, cultural managers, curators, media professionals, artists, sociologists, authors, cultural institutions workers etc.) and different sectors in cultural sphere (public sector, cultural and educational establishments, governmental bodies, business structures, artists).

The event takes place biannually. Each time, the Congress has a new focus theme relevant to the cultural sphere’s request and actual social processes. It is an opportunity to raise important questions for the sphere in both local and global contexts, both theoretical and practical terms. The Culture Congress has two constant components – a discussion and an artistic one – through which the chosen theme is revealed and framed.


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